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Overcoming Fear of Closed-In-Places

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Mary Fuller, Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 44:30
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Liberate Yourself from Limiting Fears

Do you feel as if your anxiety over tight spaces is out of your control?
Have you ever limited your experiences because you’re afraid you’ll be in a tight space?
Are there things you would like to do, but can’t because of your claustrophobia?

You deserve to lead a life full of adventure and unique experiences. You deserve to pursue your personal journey to its fullest, no matter where that takes you. You deserve to lead a life free of the burdens of fear.

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you are being robbed of the quality life experiences you deserve to have.

You know that a tight space is of no immediate harm to you, but good luck convincing your brain of that. It’s not as easy as just saying to yourself that you should get over it. It’s not even as easy as just deciding you’re going to get over it.

All phobias are the result of deep instincts that your conscious mind has no control over. But don’t worry – all hope is not lost.

Free Yourself from the Grip of Claustrophobia

Imagine what your life would be like if you could go anywhere and do anything you set your mind to without the anxiety and fear of being closed in. Imagine yourself feeling perfectly at ease no matter how cramped your surroundings are.

Sound out of your reach? Not with hypnosis, it’s not.

In this Reflective Self-Hypnosis audio download, our certified hypnotherapists will give you the relief you need to conquer your fears and live to the fullest.

They do this through both traditional induction hypnosis, as well as a revolutionary new hypnosis method unique to our Reflective Self-Hypnosis series that works at the Alpha-level of consciousness, allowing you to receive a completely new way of looking at yourself and the world – a new outlook where you are safe and at ease.

Discover what true freedom is like today!

Overcoming Fear of Closed-In-Places

List of Tracks in This Download

  • 1. Theta Level Hypnosis
  • 2. Alpha Level Hypnosis
Total Time: 44:30

Overcoming Fear of Closed-In-Places

Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $1.99.
You Save $7.96 (80%)

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Mary Fuller, Dr. Matthew Cohn

Length: 44:30

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Original price was: $19.90.Current price is: $3.58.

Overcoming Fear of Closed-In-Places

Reflective Self-Hypnosis


Free Yourself from Worry

Reflective Self-Hypnosis

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